Author Archives: admin

A woman giving back the keys of the Airbnb to the owner

Here’s a list of fun-filled activities and events in and around Live Sunward and the Estrella Community this April 2022! Open Mic Comedy ~ Open Mic Poetry Slam ~ Hip Hop Open Mic Virtual open mic night for musicians, comedians, poets, and more on April 2, 2022, at 6:00 PM MDT. Let’s Meditate for 21 Days, Free Course for Mindfulness Meditation We Meditate is pleased to announce a new online class that can help you achieve a calmer, more peaceful state of mind. Join the 21 days meditation on April 4, 2022, from 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM MDT for Mind to Meditation. It’s volunteer-led and takes place in many countries. Birth Prep Class for Couples A class on April 9, 2022, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. MDT by midwives Britt and Tracy of Modern Day Midwives. They offer a supportive and empowering birthing preparation and experience for couples.…

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A woman giving back the keys of the Airbnb to the owner

Enjoying the local arts and culture is easy and fuss-free at Live Sunward! Here are some of the events in and around Goodyear, Arizona this February 2022. WIGWAM FESTIVAL OF FINE ART Wigwam Resort at Litchfield Park is currently holding a fines arts festival. Featuring over a hundred known artists of the Southwest as you are entertained by live music and dancing among other offers this weekend, February 18-20, 2022. Doors open at 10 AM and close at 5 PM. Admission is free of charge. THEATER IN THE PARK The Goodyear Community Park hosts an outdoor food and arts festival on February 19, 2022. Featuring the Southwest Shakespeare Company and a few local actors, they will be performing for the merriment of all. The festival will open at 4 PM and end at 10 PM. Admission is free of charge. NHL ARIZONA COYOTES The state-of-the-art home of the Arizona Coyotes…

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